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The Feng-Shui Garden, an Art of Living

Chemin de Sérénité: discover its special energy and colorful character.

You love your garden, your trees, your plants, your flowers, your animals...

Your garden loves you too. Communicate even more closely with it by respecting it as the Master of the premises.

Discover its secret: balance and harmony. And enjoy a beneficial, relaxing and surprising exchange. What a pleasure!

Parce que le jardin est devenu
une pièce à part entière du “bâti”,
l’équilibre et l’harmonie sont des cadeaux
que l’on s’offre pour son propre bien-être
et pour celui que l’on accueille.

Le Jardin Feng-Shui offers many services to improve the energy and character of your garden day after day.

From personalized advice to design, from decoration to the most unusual objects, from conferences and training courses to readings...

Everything you need to create a harmonious Feng Shui garden, i.e. one that suits both your living space and all its occupants.

Le Jardin Feng-Shui helps you create a garden that reflects your personality

Dragon Le Jardin Feng-Shui

Mon jardin Feng-Shui et moi introduces original cultivation and landscaping practices inherited from the Feng Shui tradition. We learn how to harmonize colors, shapes, materials, trees and flowers, while balancing the overall atmosphere by playing with sounds, vibrations and sensations.

By improving the energy in your garden, you can recharge your batteries, uproot your worries and create a place of conviviality and sharing. Your garden will become an enchanted place, conducive to the serenity and well-being you're looking for.

The Feng-Shui garden is a little paradise on earth, an island of greenery and serenity. To cultivate it, we must respect the landscape and biodiversity, preserving spontaneous flora and fauna wherever possible, as well as the work of those who have gone before us.

Discover the book

“Mon Jardin Feng-Shui et moi”